Tajin Sauce
Powdered Sauce
Tajín powdered sauce is the ideal companion for your fruit: apples, oranges, mango, pineapple, etc. or vegetables such as cucumber and carrots... Try it with a few drops of lemon, it won't let you down!A delicious 100% natural blend of premium chiles with lemon and salt, the perfect balance between spiciness and flavor.142 gr plastic bottle and 400gr
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Me encantó!
Me encantaron estas especias de la Despensa Mexicana. Está deliciosa espolvoreada sobre fruta, como melón o mango, pero también en platos salados, como carnes asadas o a la plancha o incluso en el borde del vaso de un cocktail Margarita.
Tajín powdered sauce is the ideal companion for your fruit: apples, oranges, mango, pineapple, etc. or vegetables such as cucumber and carrots... Try it with a few drops of lemon, it won't let you down!A delicious 100% natural blend of premium chiles with lemon and salt, the perfect balance between spiciness and flavor.142 gr plastic bottle and 400gr
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