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DESPENSA MEXICANA, S.L., with registered address at Esquife, 15 C.P. 28220, Majadahonda (Madrid), with CIF B-85420495. Contact telephone numbers: 911109015. E-mail:, (hereinafter


This Virtual Store has been designed for the online purchase of food products of Mexican origin.

The use of the Virtual Store attributes to the navigator the condition of User of the site, which implies the adhesion to the present conditions in the version published in the moment in which it is acceded to the same one. Assuming full responsibility for total or partial breach of the provisions of the conditions set out and legal actions and / or judicial that may arise as a result of this infringement. For this reason, (, recommends that the User read them carefully, as well as the general contracting conditions if applicable, each time he/she accesses the Web Site.

Consequently, reserves the right to modify these general conditions of use in order to adapt them to current legislation applicable at all times, new case law and current market practices. The design, presentation and/or configuration of the Website required to use them.


Liability for technical errors.

This Website aims to minimise problems caused by technical errors. However, some data or information contained in the pages may have been created or structured in files or formats that are not error-free, so there can be no guarantee that the service will not be temporarily interrupted or otherwise affected by such technical problems., assumes no liability whatsoever with respect to such failures or technical errors that arise as a result of consultation of the Virtual Store or those other external object of forwarding the home page.

At any time and without prior notice to the User,, may carry out the temporary suspension of services in the Virtual Store for technical problems or force majeure.

3.2. Liability for damages to the user., will not be responsible, neither indirectly nor subsidiarily, for damages of any nature caused to the user, as a consequence of the presence of viruses or other elements in the contents and services provided by third parties that may cause alterations in the user's computer system.

Nor shall it be liable for damages caused to the user by failures and errors in access, connections, transmissions, interruption without just cause of the service, intrusions, mass mailings of advertising or when these causes are due to situations outside the Virtual Store, such as defects in the user's computer, deficient connection, internal viruses in the user's computer.4. CONFIDENTIALITY AND DATA PROTECTION, informs that certain uses of the Virtual Store, entail the registration of the user, and therefore the delivery of personal data, authorizing the user by means of its communication, to its treatment and inclusion in a file of Clients and users with personal data. The purpose of the treatment of these data is to be able to inform about news, news bulletins, offers-promotions and publicity with respect to own services of ensures that it complies with and applies the measures of all organisational, technical and legal measures laid down in the Regulations contained in Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, and in Royal Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December, approving the Regulations implementing Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data, which complements it. Basic Level Measures.

The Site grants the User at all times the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the affected on their own personal data in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/99 on the Protection of Personal Data of 13 December and the Security Regulations. Communicating your intention to exercise these rights at the following address: Calle Esquife, 15 C.P. 28220, Majadahonda (Madrid),

The user who integrates his personal or professional data in this database expressly and unequivocally accepts the possibility of receiving commercial communications from If you do not wish to receive commercial communications, please forward this e-mail indicating "DELETE" in the subject line or send us your cancellation request by e-mail to and you will be unsubscribed from our database.

For further information, the user should consult the Privacy Policy of the Website, as well as those specific conditions in which it is specified and necessary to communicate the user's personal data.


The functioning of the Virtual Store is, in principle, indefinite. However, may temporarily suspend the provision of the service and/or terminate it definitively, at any time or instant, without prior notice.


All matters relating to the Website are governed in each and every one of its extremes by Spanish Laws. In case of controversy about the interpretation or execution of the present clauses, it will be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and tribunals.

It is understood that the user accepts the conditions established above by clicking on the "ACCEPT" button.


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