Tamal Sheets (20 uds)
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The most obvious difference between the sweet and savory tamales, but there is a big difference in tamales ingredients such as chiles used, meats, fruits or vegetables inside the tamale.Feel free to try different recipes that can be made from the leaves of tamale.Leaves are large and each bag of about 60 leaves.
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Customers reviewsTamal Sheets (20 uds)
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Hojas para Tamal
En respuesta a la pregunta que me hizo un cliente, comentar que cada bolsa pesa 180 g y en cada bolsa vienen 14 hojas.
Hojas para tamales
me podríais explicar o sacar de dudas si los 180g son 10 hojas?
The most obvious difference between the sweet and savory tamales, but there is a big difference in tamales ingredients such as chiles used, meats, fruits or vegetables inside the tamale.Feel free to try different recipes that can be made from the leaves of tamale.Leaves are large and each bag of about 60 leaves.
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