Miguelito. Bag 100 units
Spicy Mexican Candys
The powder Miguelito has in its 5 grams the most unforgettable experience that you can have, since the consistency and characteristics of the product foments the imagination of the small ones. The bags of Miguelito powder contains 100 pieces that can not be missing in your business or home because your children or customers will demand it loudly. Miguelito is more fun and delicious when you combine them.
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- 100 x 4 gr.
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The powder Miguelito has in its 5 grams the most unforgettable experience that you can have, since the consistency and characteristics of the product foments the imagination of the small ones. The bags of Miguelito powder contains 100 pieces that can not be missing in your business or home because your children or customers will demand it loudly. Miguelito is more fun and delicious when you combine them.
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